Random Days on the Road
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
R.I.P. - Oct 1997-Nov 2004
The marraige of the CEO and the President (moi) is officially declared dead as of November 12, 2004. This includes the judge signing the papers.
Now comes all of the tough parts. Mostly the money.
The N house is for sale. I am buying a new house ("G") to build - already have a nice architect firm doing the plans. The J house is rented, but is still leaking and has some weird issues regarding the showers
The kids are good - they don't quite understand all, but they are doing good. Still seeing KarmaGirl - MediaGirl is kind of in play, but not there all the way.
The company is good, but I am distracted by all of the things going on right now with houses.
The random days on the road are a lot less - mostly client complaint and trying to sell new work.
Lots of new ideas, but a lack of commitment behind them. They could all work, but I need to hire someone to help me organize all of these pieces......
I know I will be more creative another day - but it is way too late to even start thinking....